Growth and development bring with it new challenges for mitigating the impact of stormwater on the existing environment. Cochran has designed and engineered innovative solutions for stormwater issues for individual building projects, as well as multi-acre developments throughout the Midwest. In addition to our private sector clients, we have collaborated with both local and state agencies to address new infrastructure requirements and upgrades to existing stormwater facilities and systems.
A partial list of our stormwater design and engineering services includes:
Closed Conduit Collection Systems
Design of Storm Water Retention and Detention Basins
Drainage System Evaluations and Studies
Erosion Control Assessments, & SWPPP Designs
FEMA Permitting and No-Rise Consulting, Hydraulic Analysis of Drainage Systems & Structures
Computer Modeling & Calculations for Watersheds
Lake / Dam Design & Permitting
Preparation of Drainage Maps & Systems
Urban Runoff Collection Management & Permitting
Water Quality Analysis, Mitigation & Design
Watershed Planning & Mitigation Assessments