Portfolio Categories: Roadways
Roundabout at East Main St. & Shawnee Blvd.

City of Jackson, MO
Cochran performed the surveying, engineering design, bidding documents, and construction engineering and inspection services for this new roundabout in the City of Jackson at the intersection of East Main Street and Shawnee Boulevard. The project included: storm sewer, sanitary sewer, water main, guard rail, temporary traffic control, removal of improvements, class A excavation, new 10” thick concrete pavement, concrete block retaining wall, signage, and pavement striping.
Old Highway 21 Improvements

City of Hillsboro
Cochran performed the application, surveying, engineering design, bidding documents, and construction inspection services for this federally funded STP road rehabilitation project on Business 21 in the City of Hillsboro. The scope of the project consisted of the conversion of the existing two-lane roadway section into a three-lane section with a two-way-left-turn lane. The project included: removal of improvements, linear grading, pavement widening, 3,500 lf of concrete vertical curb, 16,000 sf of concrete sidewalk, concrete driveway approaches, 2,000 tons of asphalt pavement, paving fabric, pavement milling, decorative street lights, pedestrian signals and push buttons, 2,100 lf of storm sewer, tree grates, street trees, signage, and pavement striping. Since this project was federally funded, all construction documents were required to meet standards for project delivery as outlined in MoDOT’s Local Public Agency (LPA) manual.
Old Manchester Phase II Improvements

City of Wildwood
Cochran performed the surveying, engineering design, permitting through MSD, and bidding documents, for this federally funded STP road reconstruction project on Old Manchester in the City of Wildwood. The project included removal of improvements, earthwork, full depth pavement replacement, rock excavation, 1,271 tons asphalt pavement, 2,955 sf concrete pavement, 2,372 sf stamped and red tinted concrete pavement, 31,069 sf concrete sidewalk, ADA ramps, 1,640 sf concrete approach, 4,377 lf concrete vertical curb, 896 lf storm sewer, utility relocations, 7 individual bioretention basins, hydrodynamic separator, landscaping, 80 street trees, cast iron tree grates, 26 decorative street lights, sodding, and pavement striping. Since this project was federally funded, all construction documents are required to meet standards for project delivery as outlined in MoDOT’s Local Public Agency (LPA) manual.
East Osage Street Improvements

City of Pacific
Cochran performed the application, surveying, engineering design, bidding documents, and construction inspection services for this federally funded STP road rehabilitation project on East Osage (Old Hwy 66) in the City of Pacific. The project included: elimination of the roadside ditches, pavement widening, rock excavation, storm sewer installation, ADA ramps, 6’ wide concrete sidewalks, concrete vertical curb, decorative street lighting, 6” thick concrete driveway approaches, concrete barrier walls, traffic signals, and pavement striping. Since this project was federally funded, all construction documents were required to meet standards for project delivery as outlined in MoDOT’s Local Public Agency (LPA) manual.
East Vine Street Phase II Improvements

City of Sullivan
Performed the application, surveying, engineering design, bidding documents, and construction inspection services for this federally funded STP road rehabilitation project on East Vine Street in the City of Sullivan. The project included removal of improvements, full depth pavement repair, storm sewer installation, roundabout, ADA ramps, 12,800 sf of sidewalks, concrete vertical curb, 7” thick concrete driveway approaches, street lighting, pavement milling, paving fabric, 1,700 tons of asphalt overlay, street trees, and pavement striping. Since this project was federally funded, all construction documents were required to meet standards for project delivery as outlined in MoDOT’s Local Public Agency (LPA) manual.
Scenic Drive Phase II Road Improvements

City of Herculaneum
CMV-Cochran performed the application, surveying, engineering design, bidding documents, and construction inspection services for this federally funded STP road rehabilitation project on Scenic Drive in the City of Herculaneum. The project included: multiple traffic control phasing plans to maintain traffic flow throughout duration of project, full depth concrete pavement replacement, storm sewer installation, ADA ramps, 6’ wide concrete sidewalks, decorative street lighting, concrete vertical curb, concrete driveway approaches, stamped colored concrete, pedestrian fence, sodding, street trees, and pavement striping. Since this project was federally funded, all construction documents were required to meet standards for project delivery as outlined in MoDOT’s Local Public Agency (LPA) manual.