As government agencies tighten regulations for the collection and movement of wastewater flows from residential, commercial, and industrial developments, Cochran has tried to address the challenges that require specialized expertise to resolve. Wastewater flows can be highly variable and contain coarse solids that may be floating or suspended. The design of sanitary sewers involves the determination of proposed flows and the application of hydraulic engineering principles to devise adequate conveyances for transporting these flows.
Cochran’s team of professionals has specialized expertise in all facets of wastewater collection and treatment for residential, commercial and industrial projects. Our focus is on both current needs and anticipated regulatory standards. Our team can assist projects from conceptual planning and budgeting all the way through the design, financing, and construction phases. Along with making sure there are successful wastewater operation and maintenance programs. As a result of our thorough knowledge of environmental regulations, Cochran’s engineers work closely with government agencies to assist in obtaining federal, state funding as well as the authorizations needed for compliance.
Our wastewater services include, but are not limited to the following specialties:
Bio-solids Treatment and Disposal
Combined Sewer Outfall (CSO) Separation and Treatment
Facility Plan Reports
Inflow & Infiltration Data Collection & Studies
Industrial Sewage/Pretreatment Programs
Odor Control – Chemical, Carbon & Biological
Sanitary Sewers, Force Mains and Pumping Stations
Sanitary Sewer Rate Studies
Sludge Management Plans
Submersible Pump Stations
Treatment Alternatives Feasibility Studies
Treatment Process Evaluation and Recommendations
Treatment Plants Wastewater Collection:
Activated Sludge
Aerated Lagoons
Facultative Lagoons
Membrane Batch Reactor
Package Plant Treatment with Infiltration Fields
Sand Filtration Systems
Zero Discharge Systems
Wastewater Sampling and Monitoring
Wastewater Treatment Planning and Design
Municipal & Private Collection Systems
Cochran is committed to serving its clients, preserving our environment and meeting regulatory standards by designing a state-of-the-art, easy-to-operate, and cost-effective wastewater collection systems and treatment facilities.

Fountain City Road Sewer Relocation
- Wastewater
- Water Resources

Campbell City Gravity Sewer Extension
- Wastewater
- Water Resources

ECM Sanford Creek Lift Station
- Wastewater
- Water Resources

MBR Treatment Plant
- Wastewater
- Water Resources

Denmark Road Treatment Plant
- Wastewater
- Water Resources

Aeration System Upgrades
- Wastewater
- Water Resources