Portfolio Categories: Water Resources
Well No. 9

PWSD No. 1 of Ste. Genevieve County
Flynn Drilling and Cochran teamed on a design-build project for the PWSD No. 1 of Ste. Genevieve County. Authorization to proceed with design was received in late February 2019. A construction permit was received from MoDNR in May 2019. Project scope included new deep well with pitless adapter, new well house, new booster pump, controls and SCADA. Design services included topographic survey, conceptual design, hydraulic analysis, final design, permitting, and construction services. Construction was completed in October 2019.
Fountain City Road Sewer Relocation

City of De Soto
Cochran designed 800 lineal feet of 18” gravity sewer for the City of De Soto. The sewer relocation was a result of new development within the City. The project included several challenges including grade restrictions, crossing Joachim Creek, and a directional bore under Fountain City Road. Cochran’s scope of services included surveying, easement documents, design, permitting with the Corps of Engineers, coordination with the railroad, bid administration, construction administration, and inspection. The new sewer was placed in service in March of 2017.
Campbell City Gravity Sewer Extension

City of Ozark
Cochran designed 1,800 lineal feet of 8-inch gravity sewer for the City of Ozark. The project provided public sewer to an un-serviced region of the City and allowed multiple private sewage holding tanks and septics to be eliminated. In addition to the environmental benefits of the project, the extension provides public sewer to undeveloped property which previously had no sewer available. Cochran provided all aspects of design including surveying, easement documents, design, permitting, bid administration, construction administration, and inspection. Construction of the project was completed in 2018.
Water Storage Tank Improvements

Green County PWSD No. 1
Cochran performed the design, bid administration, and construction administration for the improvements to Greene County PWSD No.1’s Water Storage Tank #2. The project included demolition of the existing 6-inch diameter dedicated fill line, including structural supports and insulation, construction of an 8-inch diameter dedicated fill line, construction of a 6-inch diameter mixing system, construction of a doghouse pipe enclosure, installation of a removable silt plate on the existing 12-inch diameter distribution line and exterior cleaning of the tank. The improvements were completed in June 2018.
Water Main Extension to Birch Creek Estates

City of Union
Cochran was selected by the City of Union to provide Design, Bid Administration, Construction Administration, Construction Testing and Inspection, and surveying for the Water Main Extension to Birch Creek Estates. The scope of work included approximately 2,130 linear feet of 10-inch diameter PVC Water Main, associated fire hydrants. Valves, and fittings. All aspects of design included: conceptual layouts, topographic survey, DNR approvals, specifications and bid documents. The project was constructed in the summer of 2018.
Lake Serene Water Main Replacement

Franklin County PWSD No. 3
Cochran was selected by PWSD No. 3 of Franklin County to provide Design, Bid Administration, Construction Administration, Construction Inspection, and Surveying for the improvements to Lake Serene Water Main. The project consists of approximately 3,031 linear feet of 8-inch PVC Water Main, 7,544 linear feet of 6-inch PVC water main, and 5,767 linear feet of 4-inch PVC water main, 25 hydrants, and water service transfers. Construction is anticipated to be complete in October 2018.
Generator & Control Upgrades

Franklin County PWSD No. 3
Cochran was selected by PWSD No. 3 of Franklin County to complete a generator and controls upgrade at multiple well locations. The scope of work included a new control panel for Well No. 1, a new generator and double-throw disconnect switch for Lake Serene, a new generator and control panel for Well No. 3, and a new generator and double-throw disconnect switch for Well No. 8. Upgrades were completed ahead of schedule in August 2018.
Deep Well No. 12

City of Sullivan
Cochran was selected to design Well and Well House No. 12 for the City of Sullivan. The Well supplements the City of Sullivan’s water supply to Menard’s for their in-house manufacturing of concrete landscaping products.
The well is a 30HP pitless submersible unit capable of providing 150 GPM. The Well pumps into Well House No. 12 where the flow is measured and gas chlorination are added to the water for disinfection. This area typically has Trichloroethylene (TCE) in the groundwater which requires an air-stripping process. The water, as of today, does not test positive for TCE’s, however, Well House No. 12 is equipped with a treatment room sized for an air stripper if TCE’s become present in the future. Construction of the well and well house was complete in the Summer of 2017.
Stormwater Master Plan

St. Albans Country Club
Cochran completed a Hydraulic Study for numerous golf cart bridges on the Lewis and Clark golf course of the County Club at St. Albans, Missouri as well as a hydraulic model of the entire drainage system utilizing HEC-RAS software. All aspects of hydraulic modeling were performed including: analysis of each walking bridge and/or cart bridge for the 2 year to the 500-year rainfall event.
Rolling Greens Subdivision Stormwater Improvements

Festus Housing Authority
CMV-Cochran performed the surveying, grading design, hydraulic analysis, storm sewer design, retaining wall design, prepared bidding documents, performed required materials testing, construction inspection and administration services for the Rolling Greens Subdivision project. The scope of the project included: removal of improvements; 2,097 l.f. of concrete sidewalk; 6,296 of concrete driveway approaches; mudjacking of concrete driveway panels; excavation and installation of 198 l.f. of 18” HDPE storm sewer pipe, and associated inlets and manholes; 1,069 l.f. of vinyl coated chain link fence; 245 s.f. of retaining wall; 2,069 s.y of sodding and restoration. Four responsive contractors’ submitted bids and All Type Grading Excavating submitted a low bid in the amount of $169,898.
Moss Lane and Black Oak Drive

City of Farmington
The City of Farmington has been a client of Cochran’s since 2012, and we have partnered to complete several projects in water, wastewater, stormwater, and transportation. Farmington is located southwest of St. Louis in St. Francois County. We are a proud partner of the City and have an office in the City of Farmington.
The City selected Cochran to help with an annexed subdivision stormwater issue. The area had an existing drainage ditch that was not able to handle the amount of rainwater going through the neighborhood. Properties were flooding after almost every rain event due to the insufficient stormwater system in place. Originally there were two culvert pipes backing up causing flooding in two yards. Additionally, there were two yards flooding near a bend in the ditch.
Cochran performed a stormwater study analyzing data using topographic information to evaluate an existing stormwater system and culvert pipes to see if they meet the City’s stormwater design requirements and evaluate flooding during a 100-year storm event. Cochran performed a hydraulic analysis on the watershed tributary to the ditch and extended the study through the culvert system. The analysis showed the first pair of culvert pipes were undersized and required replacement with a box culvert. The next pair of culvert pipes required an additional third pipe to handle the flow. We gave the City a report of our design recommendations to the existing stormwater system and culverts. The topographic survey also showed the bend in the ditch required some clearing and grading to correct the flooding issue. We then designed plans to modify the current system meeting the requirements as directed by the City. This was accomplished by utilizing new culverts to meet design flow requirements. Lastly, we did the bid and construction administration for the project. Cochran was awarded the project in July 2016, and construction was completed in July 2017.
ECM Sanford Creek Lift Station

East Central Missouri Water & Sewer Authority
Cochran designed a new lift station that serves the entire East Central Missouri Water & Sewer Authority. The lift station was constructed to redirect sewage from the City of St. Charles to St. Peters for treatment. The lift station design included two 890 gpm 60 horsepower pumps, 13,500 feet of 10″ force main, underground concrete emergency storage basin, permitting with the Lakeside 370 Levee District, and permitting with MoDOT to cross Hwy 370. The project had a list of challenges which included a creek crossing, aerial crossing over railroad tracks, levee crossing and maintaining a maximum allowable flow to the existing St. Peter’s lift station. To accomplish the flow rate requirements, VFD’s were used to control the pump rate and emergency underground storage size to hold excess flow. The lift station was placed in service in 2016.
MBR Treatment Plant

St. Charles County PWSD No. 2
Cochran provided survey and civil design services for St. Charles County PWSD #1. We performed the study and design of a complete 0.25 MGD membrane bioreactor (MBR) wastewater treatment facility, which will be expandable to 1.0 MGD. The project also required installation of approximately 4.75 miles of 8 to 12-inch diameter sewer main for a 380 lot subdivision. The lift station is sized to serve 112 lots and 1 elementary school. Cochran also completed a receiving stream impact study. We designed for future ultraviolet disinfection at a peak flow rate of 4 mgd. Cochran also designed mechanical, electrical and structural aspects. The facility utilizes flat-panel membrane technology to meet effluent design limits of 10 mg/L BOD and 15 mg/L TSS. The facility design includes a laboratory to perform required self-monitoring analytical work and process control tests for all treatment processes.
Denmark Road Treatment Plant

City of Union
This is an on-going project for the City of Union which includes the expansion of an existing 300,000 gpd oxidation ditch. Work includes: antidegradation review, new headworks, new sludge digestion facility, new 500,000 gpd Schreiber Counter Current Aeration and conversion of gaseous chlorinated disinfection system to UV disinfection. The City of Union traditionally used chlorine gas for wastewater effluent disinfection. For safety and economic reasons, the City is discontinuing the use of chlorine gas. In addition, a new 950 gpm lift station was installed to provide for future expansion. Cochran aided in the procurement of funding for this project along with design, permitting, construction inspection and construction administration.
Aeration System Upgrades

The City of St. Clair
Cochran designed improvements to the aeration system of the City’s 1.1 MGD plant. The improvements were implemented to provide more efficient and effective treatment. Improvements included operating the aeration system with variable frequency drives to allow the operator increased control of dissolved oxygen levels. The newly installed variable frequency drives and dissolved oxygen probes allow the aeration system to operate at the proper speed to maintain optimum dissolved oxygen levels. The aeration system improvements were completed in 2017. Cochran provided all aspects of the following services: funding agency loan assistance, energy analysis, design, permitting, construction inspection and construction administration.
Boyd Street Elevated Water Storage Tank

City of De Soto
Cochran provided design and is in the construction phase of a replacement elevated water storage tank for the City of De Soto. Multiple styles and sizes were bid simultaneously. New water tower design involved easement preparation and coordination of antenna leasehold improvement relocation for cellular providers on the existing water tower. We also designed integrated systems for the installation and relocation of cellular equipment to the new water tower. Demolition of the existing 100,000-gallon water tower with lead-based paint will be replaced by a 500,000-gallon composite elevated water storage tank with reduced future maintenance cost was selected by the City. Cochran performed all aspects of site design and specifications, utility improvements, water tower design and specification, contract administration, construction testing & inspection, geotechnical site evaluation, and survey. We also provided water system modeling and water quality improvements. Construction completed in the summer of 2016.
Deep Well No. 7

City of Union
Cochran studied and designed a 750 gallon/minute deep well for the City of Union. Cochran performed all aspects of design, including: conceptual layouts, survey, grading, DNR approvals, site design, hydraulic evaluation, pump selection, architectural, structural, electrical and controls, specifications, bid documents, inspection and testing. Cochran met with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources prior to designing the deep well to discuss possible issues and formulate a plan for the project. The design of the deep well was completed in 2013. Construction of Deep Well No. 7 was complete in 2014.